2024 Program


8.5. Wednesday | 20:00 | concert with intermissioin

Bach vs. Händel – An Encounter

Their birth year connects these two icons of Baroque music: George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) and Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750).

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28 | 14 EUR*

28 | 14 EUR*


9.5. Thursday | 14:00 | return approx. 19:30

Excursion to Burgsalach

The Froschauer Hof shows its most beautiful side during the excursion to Burgsalach.
Sold out!

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60 EUR

60 EUR


10.5. Friday | 20:00 | concert with intermission

West-östlicher Divan (West-Eastern Divan)

The West-östlicher Divan (West-Eastern Divan), inspired by the poetry of the Persian poet Hafiz, is Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's largest collection of poems. It stands as one of the most intimate and central engagements of Western literary history with the Orient. Since its creation, it has inspired numerous artists across all disciplines.  !! CHANGE OF VENUE !!

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26 | 13 EUR*

26 | 13 EUR*


11.5. Saturday | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 and 16:15 | 17:15

Promenade Concerts Between Past and Present – Karljosef Schattner's Buildings Resonate on His 100th Birthday

Short concerts with introductions to architecture

Architect Karljosef Schattner (1924 –2012) bestowed upon the city of Eichstätt a surprising modernity through his unique architectural style that seamlessly integrates the old with the new.
Sold out!

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20 | 10 EUR*

20 | 10 EUR*

11.5. Saturday | 14:30 | 40 min.

Hofgarten-Serenade – The Brilliance of the Baroque Orchestra

Under the direction of Eva Maria Pollerus (harpsichord), the Cappella Academica of the University of Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt am Main will perform works by Eichstätt's own composers, among others. 

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Free admission

Free admission

11.5. Saturday | 20:00 | concert with intermission

Reise der Liebe (Voyage of Love)

With tender songs and spirited dances from Spain, the ensemble Hirundo Maris sets the mood for the night.
Sold out!

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28 | 14 EUR*

28 | 14 EUR*


12.5. Sunday | 11:50 | 70 min. without intermission


BR moderator Christian Schuler and participants of Musikfest Eichstätt 2024

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18 | 9 EUR*

18 | 9 EUR*

12.5. Sunday | 15:30 | 45 min. without intermission

Family Concert – Dance and Music at the Sommerresidenz

The little court jester Franz Ludwig sneaks around the dance school and dreams of his dance debut. The young dancers give him a hard time, and he repays them with pranks. But then he gets his big chance...


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12 | 6 EUR*

12 | 6 EUR*

12.5. Sunday | 17:00 | 70 min.

Open Singing for All

Each year 40,000 music enthusiasts worldwide participate in workshops conducted by the vocal octet Voces8. 

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Free admission

Free admission

12.5. Sunday | 20:00 | concert with intermission

Closing Concert – Through the Centuries with Voces8

Voces8, their workshops and concerts a hit at Musikfest Eichstätt since 2015, tours the greatest concert halls of all continents and ranks among the world's most beloved vocal ensembles. A unique concert to crown the finale of our anniversary festival.
Sold out!

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34 | 17 EUR*

34 | 17 EUR*


13.5. Monday | 19:30 | 90 min. without intermission


In the afterglow of this year's anniversary festival, the English vocal ensemble Voces8 will conduct a workshop for the Eichstätter Jugendkantorei, the Großer Chor des Gabrieli-Gymnasiums, and the Kammerchor der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt.

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14 | 7 EUR*

14 | 7 EUR*

*Discounts for children, pupils, and university students.
Entry: 30 minutes before the start of the program.
Throughout the texts on this website, the masculine form is used to represent all genders and other forms of identity.